Monday, July 14, 2008

If you find the time....

A ran into a couple interesting posts on the blog.

1. Has to do with China's 1 child rule, which has resulted in a 37 million + difference in males and females favoring women. They are claiming that males are now having trouble finding jobs, finding purpose, and finding women, leading to a rise in crime.

2. A good and longer article or interviews on the topic, How Much Do Looks Really Matter by Stephen Dubner is up. Very interesting how looks (especially when combined with charm) can literally make a person successful. Also known as the Warren Harding effect. Dubner interviews both men and women (some more intelligent than others).


Joe Heitfeld said...

The article by Stephan Dubner was really interesting and it reminded me of a quote that was it a short story I just read. I dont remember the quote exactly, but it was something about how beautiful people are invisible and seen as flawless to others because most people only see the outside and are to scared/judgemental to approach the person and actually get to know them.

Joe Heitfeld said...
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Mr. Jones said...

When it comes to looks in the work place I must say that I agree with the argument that more attractive people get farther simply because of their looks. Its not far, but it happens and everyone has seen it. Some people tend to dwell on the issue for example "Wow, she's dating the quaterback, or Wow, she made Prom Queen." These statments and this thinking that the more attractive people "Get Farther" is something to really ponder. The real question in my opinion is can you get to where you want to be in our life/occupation and still look in the mirror. Kinda like what you said Publius.